Keran the Carer
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Donate to the Karen Fund

The Keran Fund A fund has been created by the Committee of Carers4Carers to support Keran and her family in their time of need.

The principle aim is to fund the legal costs of an appeal to overturn Keran's conviction and to free Keran from prison for an alleged crime she did not commit. Funds can be donated by clicking the button below.

You do not need to have a Paypal account to donate. Please follow the instructions after clicking this button.

Your generosity will enable the Committee to assist in the financing of an appeal, and in meeting the direct and indirect costs which are being incurred in supporting Keran and her family during her period of imprisonment.  By donating to the fund you are expressing your willingness to right a terrible wrong through the activities of the Committee expending those funds on your behalf.

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